CIMS PublicConnect - ERROR

If you continue, the Connect product may not function properly. Certain features may not work or behave the way they are supposed to.

This could be because:

Please address the above in order to experience the product as intended.

Thank you.

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To begin making a payment first select a location from the drop down list then select a payment type. * indicates a required field. Additional information will be displayed on the right side of the screen based on payment type selected.
Make A Payment
(250) 286-6282
Payment From:
Name (First Last): (prints on receipt)
Address: *
City: *
Province: Country:
(If NOT Canada)
Postal Code: *
Email Address:
(or Phone #)
Payment For:
Location: *
Type: *
Please provide as much information as possible regarding payment in the comment field. Include student's name and reason for payment. NO YEARBOOKS!
(who, what)
Payment Amount:
Select Amount:    $ *
OR Input Amount (ex. 9999.99):    $